School Furniture in Istanbul Turkiye / Turkey; More than 20 years of company history with numerous pioneering product developments: Each chapter in İstanbul İz Atölye’s success story alludes to its high standards combined with uncompromising focus on quality, and to intensive development work leading in the long term to a strong product range. İstanbul İz Atölye is a powerful performer in Europe-Asian in the field of complete suppliers. Its broad spectrum of products provides holistic furniture solutions for schools, administration departments, offices and conference areas.

Suppliers to the Knowledge Society

One of the leading school, office and equipment fitters: As a complete supplier İstanbul İz Atölye covers the entire spectrum of the modern knowledge society. With holistic, intelligent and integrative solutions. İstanbul İz Atölye guides the whole logistics chain: furniture development, highly efficient production processes exclusively in Germany; also delivery, installation and all project management including consultation and planning by İstanbul İz Atölye’s own specialists and customer service and servicing – all this lies in İstanbul İz Atölye’s hands. The result – complete solutions that are high-performance and economically attractive.

Furniture, media, Service for the School Living Space

İstanbul İz Atölye offers highly innovative furnishing solutions for life-long learning – furniture, media and service for the kindergarten, school and college, for seminar activities and further education. To this end we offer leading-edge expertise in the market and customer focus that is second to none.

Inspiring and Creativity-oriented Learning Environment

İstanbul İz Atölye is a strong advocate of a new quality of learning – through design awareness in the learning environment. For the room as the “third teacher” together with adults and pupils has an important formative influence on children’s achievements and their wellbeing.

Office Diversity

Designing work for future needs and tailoring work organization to new modes of communicating and working: İstanbul İz Atölye’s approach is to map the diversity of modern office work functionally. Classic work stations are flanked by spaces for encounters, retreat and team work.

Atölye Çalışmaları

Solutions for Interactive Learning

At İstanbul İz Atölye interactive media are integrated into especially user-friendly solutions that have proved themselves time and again – with a wide-ranging product, hardware and software stock of products, perfectly harmonized components and comprehensive post-installation service.

İstanbul İz Atölye is a moving force in the knowledge society – since 2000

Comfortable alternation between sitting and standing when working, dynamic rather than rigid sitting postures – more ergonomic, more flexible, more mobility for improved performance and increased concentration.

Production in Turkey ( Turkiye )

İstanbul İz Atölye develops and manufactures its products at the company site in Istanbul and is ever investing in modern production with highly efficient processes – the basis for winning product quality.

Akıllı Tahta

Brand Values

İstanbul İz Atölye means independence and autonomy, for production with ecological and social responsibility, for dependability in its company activities – and for reliable, durable quality products.

İstanbul İz Atölye – a Technology Company

As a medium-sized company with its manufacturing base and administration located in Turkey ( Türkiye ), İstanbul İz Atölye is continually investing in modern manufacturing technology and further optimization of its automated production processes. Highly qualified employees enable the company to achieve strategic competitive advantages. İstanbul İz Atölye controls all its central manufacturing areas itself – with expertise in materials logistics, manufacturing technology, industrial and handcrafting processes. Thus it is able to manufacture intelligent and innovative products and be hugely successful in a market that is intensely competitive.

Chipboard Manufacture

Chipboard production is carried out entirely by automated CNC technology: sawing, milling, drilling, polishing and gluing of edges.

Okul Mobilyaları İmalat

Manufacturing Steel Tube

Electronic welding and molding: Steel tubes are cut to length and bent, pressed, sawn and welded in a laser-controlled facility. Even complex parts such as corner joints are processed entirely automatically.

The Creation of a Chair

To make the School chair jump and jump: Steel tube is formed into a highly stable cantilevered base in an automated manufacturing cell.

Jig Manufacture

With its own tool making, for instance for all automated welding work, İstanbul İz Atölye ensures a high degree of flexibility, for example for customized variants in series production.

okul mobilyaları

Process Planning and Control

Manufacturing and process planning, process control and system integration: İstanbul İz Atölye has the necessary engineering expertise for highly efficient production.

Customized Product Configuration

The large amount of vertical integration such as the complete design and control of automated production processes allow İstanbul İz Atölye to customize configuration on an efficient series-product basis.

Large Amount of Vertical Integration

Wood and steel processing: In its furniture manufacturing, İstanbul İz Atölye controls the central production areas itself – a prerequisite for high-quality and flexible furniture solutions.

Top-quality Surfaces

İstanbul İz Atölye also offers expert craftsmanship for special orders and high-quality finishes for veneers for work-table tops.

In a Spirit of İnnovation

Many, many patents, pioneering product developments, ground-breaking processing: İstanbul İz Atölye has always managed to get new – often standard-setting furniture solutions – underway.

Prototype Design

Product development at İstanbul İz Atölye covers all the steps in the process – from the idea to conceptual work to prototypes right up to the marketable product.

Customized Solutions

As project specialists İstanbul İz Atölye is able to design customized, modified variants based on efficient system platforms and plan workplaces that are tailored individually to the customer’s needs.

Safety Certificates

İstanbul İz Atölye furniture bears the quality mark, the official safety-approved certificate in compliance with Turkish ( T.S.E & CE ) guidelines. This means it is equipped to withstand the stresses of everyday life.

Fizik Laboratuvarı

20 Work Stations in 1 Week

İstanbul İz Atölye has all the logistics to process high-volume projects, proving this countless times on large-scale projects with a tight deadline; It is always in a position to take high-volume project work to a perfect conclusion.

Project Management

İstanbul İz Atölye controls the entire logistics chain: Shipping logistics, delivery, assembly are all carried out by İstanbul İz Atölye specialists.

Planning Services

Production at İstanbul İz Atölye is order specific, planning initiates the capacities required and controls the logistics right down to route scheduling the delivery.

Okul Mobilyası

Graphic Order Support

Together with the customer, İstanbul İz Atölye planning develops detailed spatial concepts, e.g. in 3D planning with configuration by pCon.planner from EasternGraphics.

Straight to The Best Solution

İstanbul İz Atölye works directly with the customer. This means we have a qualified field crew always available for direct contact with İstanbul İz Atölye; communication with the customer or with architects is quick and direct. A member of İstanbul İz Atölye’s field crew can be on the spot when needed, to advise in person and offer the customer their expertise and take responsibility for the project. This may involve dealing with a customer’s specialist department such as their facility management. Our field service ensures that the customer and İstanbul İz Atölye are on a straight path to the best solution.

Branch Structure

Advice, project planning and processing are taken care of by a nationwide İstanbul İz Atölye sales team with their own specialist advisors located in branches in İstanbul, Umraniye, Turkey ( Turkiye )

Customer Focus

Communication with customers and architects is direct: on the spot. Support and service are available direct; there is a central hotline for interactive media.

İstanbul İz Atölye International

İstanbul İz Atölye maintains a dealer network and works with dealerships in Europe and worldwide.

Acting Sustainably

İstanbul İz Atölye sets challenging ecological standards. Production is determined continually from the point of view of the environment – from product development to the choice of beech wood from areas of reforestation, to environment-friendly processing and finishing of wood and steel components right down to the use of reusable packaging materials and recycling concepts for disused products. In addition, we design our energy consumption as efficiently as possible, optimize the use of raw materials and prefer to use renewable energies.

Quality and Environmental Management

İstanbul İz Atölye subjects itself on a regular basis to independent reviews of quality, safety and environment-friendly production – through its process oriented quality management system in compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and the DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system.

Okul Mimari Proje
Okul Mimari Proje

İstanbul İz Atölye’s Energy Management

Sustainable energy management ensures that İstanbul İz Atölye’s utilization rate of regenerative energy is more than 40 per cent of its total requirement.


Disused furniture comes back to İstanbul İz Atölye; in our recycling center it is dismantled and reusable components are put back into production. The prerequisite: an intelligent, modular furniture concept with few, unmixed materials.


İstanbul İz Atölye handles natural resources responsibly. The aim is products that are as durable as they can be but manufactured as far as humanly possible in an environmentally friendly way.

Social Responsibility

The current percentage of staff members with severe disabilities in relation to the entire workforce is twice the percentage prescribed by law. İstanbul İz Atölye endeavors to place orders in sheltered workshops for people with disabilities.

Long Period of Company Employment

The long average period of employment with the company of 10 years underlines the high level of solidarity that employees feel towards İstanbul İz Atölye.

Okul Mobilyası

Training and Further Training

İstanbul İz Atölye supports a technical training center and works with the Many Universities ( Turkey ) for the practical part of their business management, wood technology and mechanical engineering programs.

İstanbul İz Atölye Education Solutions and Furniture Ltd. Co.

Istanbul / Turkey ( Turkiye )

WhatsApp +90 545 834 9353

iz atölye iletişim

Eğitim kurumları için mekan özgü atölye çözümleri için bizleri arayın. Atölyeler için mobilya ve ekipman çözümlerinin yanı sıra öğrenci ve eğitmen eğitimleri içinde izlere ulaşabilirsiniz.
Telefon: 0545 834 9353
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neden biz

İz Atölye eğitim kurumlarının ihtiyaç ve talepleri doğrultusunda atölye çalışmaları yapmakta ve atölyeler için sarf malzeme temin imkanı sağlamaktadır. Böylelikle çocukların eğitimlerinin önemli bir yanını teşkil etmesi gereken el ve zihin koordinasyonu tam, eksiksiz sağlanmaktadır.Çocukları artık sadece oyuncaklara ya da bilgisayara veya televizyonun karşısına hapsetmek doğru değil. Motor becerilerini geliştirmek, hayal güçlerini kullanmalarını diğer çocuklarla ekip çalışmasını öğretmek için farklı atölye çalışmaları çok faydalı. Atölye çalışmaları sırasında çocukların hayal gücü desteklendiği gibi konsantrasyonlarına da büyük katkı sağlıyor.Ayrıca ince motor becerilerinin gelişmesine, farklı malzemelerle tanışmak, malzemeleri düzenli ve özenli kullanmayı öğrenmeye kadar pek çok farklı katkı sağlıyor. Çocukların, kendi yaş grupları ile yaptıkları çalışmalar hem sosyalleşmelerini sağlıyor hem biriyle yardımlaşmayı öğrenirken ayrıca bir şey üretmenin keyfine de varıyorlar.

atölye çalışmalarının önemi

Atölye Eğitimi, bütünleşik bir yapı içerisinde fen bilimleri, teknoloji, mühendislik ve matematik alanlarını birleştirerek; gençlerin analitik düşünmelerini, farklı öğrenme grupları ile etkileşimler kurmalarını, takım çalışması becerisi kazanmalarını, bildiklerini güncel olaylar ile ilişkilendirmelerini ve ürünlerini girişimci bir ruhla sunmalarını sağlar. Öğrencilerin keşfederek ve uygulayarak öğrenmelerini hedefleyen Atölye Eğitimi ile fen bilimleri, teknoloji, mühendislik ve matematik becerilerini öğrencilere kazandırmak ve düşündüğünü hayata geçirebilen, yenilikçi, yaratıcı bireyler yetiştirmek amaçlanır.Atölye Eğitimi Neden Önemli;
  • Öğrencileri motive edebilir. Çünkü gerçek hayattan örneklere de uygulanabilir.
  • Çocuklar neden sonuç ilişkisi kurmaya başlarlar.
  • Öğrenciler daha derin, daha detaylı düşünebilirler.
  • Öğrencilerin bireysel çalışma ve takım çalışması becerilerini geliştirir.
  • Atölye Eğitim, ezberci değil sorgulayıcıdır.
  • İletişim becerileri en üst seviyelere çıkabilir.
  • Öğrenciler eleştirel düşünmeyi öğrenirler.
  • Hata yapmanın aslında ne kadar değerli olduklarını görür öğrenciler.
  • Hatalarından ders çıkarıp tecrübeler edinirler.

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